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The AD5292 breakdown during normal operation.

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD5292

I'm using AD5292 and it breaks down during use.

I thought it was a breakdown caused by surge, so I added a TVS diode to the power line, but the problem still happens.

Isn't it okay to change A(3-pin) and B(5-pin) in AD5292? I don't think this is a problem because it works normally.

Attached is a picture of the schematic, please advise.



  • Hi  ,

      is currently checking this query and will get back to you soon. Thank you

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Kayden,

    What kind of breakdown are you experiencing?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Yokki,

    In a failed condition, the wiper is located in midscale. No command works. When I read the control register value (0x1C00) after entering the value 0x3 in the control register (0x1803), 0x0 is read.

    I'm also using AD5142 on the same circuit, but only AD5292 breaks down. My guess is that it's broken by a spark generated when the power is turned on.

    But I don't understand that only AD5292 is broken. I also connected a TVS diode to protect AD5292, but it's no good.
    I need your advice.
    Best Regards,
  • Hi Kayden,

    Can you read any resistance across B and W terminals? Can you also send me some scope shots of your writes, could it be a timing issue?

    Does your caps have polarity, can you also double check on those too?

    best Regards,


  • Hi Yokki,

    I was late to answer because I was conducting several tests.

    Our product is being used in X-ray generators. Let me ask you one thing. Can the AD5292 break down due to radiation exposure?

    The start of this problem was caused by changing the analog variable resistance to AD5292.

    I don't think breakdown of AD5292 is a timing or electrical issues. Even if it is supplemented electrically, AD5292 continues to breakdown.

    Give me your opinion.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi  

    AD5292 is only qualified for industrial use, hence no radiation performance was tested.

    Best Regards,


  • HI Yokki,

    Until now, we had saved the resistance value in an external eeprom.

    In this new test, the resistance value was stored in the TP memory and checked whether the stored resistance value could be read when AD5292 breakdown.

    However, the result reads the midscale because AD5292 is broken.

    The symptoms identified so far are that when the power is turned off and turned on, AD5292 breaks down intermittently.

    I used the TVS diode to reinforce all the power lines, but this phenomenon continues.

    I need your advice.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Kayden,

    Were you able to control AD5292 wiper settings before it breaks down? When you say intermittently, does it work again after breaking down?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Yokki,

    The AD5292 is out of control when the power is turned off and on. We first check whether it is controlled before turning off the power. And It operates without any problems until it is turned off. The AD5292 is too broken that we are currently testing the products from the MCP41HV51t-103 of microchip on the same board. We're testing only by replacing the IC chip, but there is no problem with the microchip's product. In other words, it is judged that our circuit has no problem.

    We were so curious about the cause of the problem that we asked the shop of Mouser to analyze the failure.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Kayden,

    I would suggest getting a new chip and test it without exposure to radiation. Are you only experiencing the problem when the part is used in X-ray? This might be a latch-up. Is VDD shorted to GND during breakdown? Do you experience voltage spikes during operation that's why you add TVS diodes?

    Best Regards,
