I'm using AD5754 DAC with FPGA.
The initial status is that DVCC is 3.3V, ADVV is 2.5V ,AVSS is 0.5V ;After the FPGA is power-up,ADVV becomes 7V ,AVSS becomes -7V.LDAC, CLR, SYNC and BIN2COM are tied to 3.3V.
The frequency of SCLK is 5M.The SPI write registers are following:0x10_000F(to power up DAC A,B,C and D) ;0x0C_0003 (to set output range +/-5V) ;0x04_FFFF(to set 4 channel DAC register value 0xFFFF).
Problem:There is no output of 4 channel DAC output.So I test the SPI communication .I wrote 0x10_000F to power up DAC A,B,C and D .Then I tried to read it back .I set register 0x90_0000 for read and after that I set NOP command 0x18_0000 to get read back data .Howerer, the read back data I got is 0x00_0000.
I tried to read other register ,the result is that I can not get the data that I used to write. So what should I do when encountering the above problems。
Write 0x10_000F.(CS_N is pin7 SYNC )
Write 0x90_0000.
Write 0x18_0000.(The data read back from SDO is 0x00_0000)
[edited by: dingpeng at 1:21 AM (GMT -4) on 11 Aug 2023]