I expect to use a AD5141 10k in linear gain mode and store RAW and RWB in EEPROM.
INDEP signal is tied to VLOGIC.
When I program RAW and RWB (command 1), it works fine : I am able to get RAW=10k and RWB=10k when I load RAW=RWB=0xFF.
But when I try to load RAW and RWB in EEPROM, the device does not power-up with the right value : with RAW=RWB=0xFF, INDEP=logic_1, i get RAW=RWB=5K
Does anybody can held me to program correctly EEPROM to get RAW=RWB=10k at power-up?
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[edited by: PascalB at 5:21 PM (GMT -4) on 31 Jul 2023]