I'm trying to develop a DAC driver in Evaluation board EVAL-AD5422LFEBZ. I was looking into the datasheet of AD5422 and the evaluation board for driver development.
I have a question related to the power supply to the evaluation board.
In the datasheet, I saw two pins AvDD and AvSS. As of now, I configured the DAC in unipolar voltage mode (0 to +10v) so I only use AvDD pin, I'm providing +15V DC to AvDD pin ( AvDD = +15V DC)
So my question is, should the pins AvDD and AvSS be provided with AC voltage or DC voltage?
From the Eval board data sheet I find it is Analog voltage so I thought of cross-checking in this forum before powering up AvDD and AvSS pins in the Analog voltage supply.