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AD5644 Full Scale Question

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD5644


It's not exactly clear from the datasheet if for the external reference case the buffer amplifier still has a gain of 2 as it has in case of using the internal reference(2.5V  for AD5644RBRMZ-5 part and it has a range  from 0-5V).

My system reference is 2.5V too,so will I see close to 5V or close to 2.5V for the maximum scale code?

Also it's a good idea to place a 1nF  decoupling capacitor on the refrence line close to the DAC?

The system reference is buffered at unity gain by an LTC2057  opamp.

Thank you,


  • Hi Andrei,

    Apologies if it wasn't clear on the datasheet. When an external reference is used, the output range should be 0-VREF, as long as VREF < VDD. In your case, it should be 0-2.5V. 

    Placing a decoupling cap close to the input pins of the DAC would greatly help in reducing noise on the output. 



  • Hi Andrei,

    Apologies if it wasn't clear on the datasheet. When an external reference is used, the output range should be 0-VREF, as long as VREF < VDD. In your case, it should be 0-2.5V. 

    Placing a decoupling cap close to the input pins of the DAC would greatly help in reducing noise on the output. 


