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PC cannot recognize SDP-S controlling EVAL-AD5535B

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD5535

I am using an AD5535B to control the voltage applied to the EO pump. I control it by sending signals to the test pins on the board (SCLK, Din, SS) for real-time control. Just the other day, I tried to control the board by the SDP-S connecting it to a PC, but the PC could not recognize the SDP-S . I assumed that my evaluation board had failed, I purchased a new AD5535B but am experiencing the same problem. I investigated the cause of this and found that when I supplied 5V and 100V power to the board, about 5V was input to RESET, Din, and SCLK. If the voltage is applied before the signal is sent to the test pins except RESET, the signal will not be transmitted correctly. I would like to know the cause of the sudden loss of control, the reason why the PC cannot recognize the SDP-S, and the cause of the voltage on the test pins Din and SCLK before sending signals to the test pins on the board. I am currently inquiring about this issue with officials as well.

moved & updated QA form
[edited by: lallison at 3:05 PM (GMT -4) on 12 Jun 2022]
  • Hi, 

    On the issue with SDP-S. Have you finished installing the drivers? It should be prompted after installing the eval software. And a PC restart should be requested.

    On the next issue, I'd like to clarify your setup first. You are supplying 5V on what ports of the eval board? 

    I investigated the cause of this and found that when I supplied 5V and 100V power to the board, about 5V was input to RESET, Din, and SCLK.

    Do you mean here that you are seeing 5V on the RESET, DIN and SCLK pins? Does this happen even without SDP or any other signals from the controller connected to the test pins? 



  • Hi

    Driver installation was completed and the PC was rebooted. Initially, the SDP-S was recognized and the GUI confirmed correct operation. Later, the SDP-S was removed and real-time voltage control was enabled by supplying external signals to SCLK, Din, and SS. It worked fine for a month, but suddenly it could not be controlled. After investigating the problem, we found that the voltage was observed even though no external signals were supplied, and that the PC could no longer recognize SDP-S when SDP-S was used. The same problem occurs when the evaluation board is changed and the SDP-S is connected, or when it is set up from the beginning with a different PC.

    There are three places on the evaluation board where 5V is supplied: AV, DV, and V+. When using the SDP-S, no external voltage is supplied to the pins SCLK, Din, SS, or RESET. Nevertheless, voltages are observed on these pins.


  • Hi, 

    The RESET pin definitely has a 5V preset due to the pull-up on the eval board. The other pins are inputs and shouldn't have a voltage. 

    Is LK5 disconnected on your EVB? When using SDP, DVCC should be supplied through the 3v3 link LK5, and no external input provided. Does your controller support Digital VOH levels of 5V? 

    It might be that the SDP-S got damaged, you can check if you try to probe the signals coming from it. you can disconnect these jumpers and probe the signals. 


  • Hi

    The pins are connected or disconnected as shown in the user guide, LINK5 is now disconnected because the Position of LINK5 is NOT INSERTED. When I transmit signals to the test pins (SCLK, Din, SYNCB) without SDP-S on the newly purchased board, the voltage control was successfully achieved. Perhaps, since the first device and SDP-S failed , the new evaluation board did not work well when using SDP-S.

    On the board that worked properly, the voltage was observed on three test pins (SCLK, Din, RESET) without SDP-S. This seems to be the normal state.

    I appreciate your cooperation.

  • Hi, 

    It might be that the SDP-S got damaged somehow since it is not getting recognized by the PC and unable to transmit signals. 

    On the board that worked properly, the voltage was observed on three test pins (SCLK, Din, RESET) without SDP-S. This seems to be the normal state.

    I couldn't confirm it as I don't have an eval board with me at the moment. Looks like the new eval board you have is working well using your external controller? What functions do you need on the SDP-S for?



  • Hi,

    SDP-S is a device that outputs parameters sent from a PC as a voltage waveform and transmits signals to various evaluation boards. The SDP-S can only be controlled via the GUI provided by Analog Device, and the DAC code must be entered each time on the GUI, so real-time control is not possible. In addition, I could only change the voltage of one or all channels, and could not precisely control the voltage of each channel, which was a big problem for me. The AD5535B is currently only available as an evaluation board, and the evaluation board can be controlled by an external device. I am currently developing a device that is controlled by an FPGA, and I use MATLAB GUI to send parameters to the FPGA and output voltages from the data to control multiple devices. The voltage waveforms and parameters (DAC codes) were determined by reading the data sheet and analyzing the voltage waveforms sent from SDP-S to the evaluation board. Although the evaluation board has limited applications, there were many people in the Engineer Zone who felt the same way as I did, so I think the SDP-S will be very useful if it can send information not only from a PC but also from various other devices.


  • Hi,

    SDP-S is a device that outputs parameters sent from a PC as a voltage waveform and transmits signals to various evaluation boards. The SDP-S can only be controlled via the GUI provided by Analog Device, and the DAC code must be entered each time on the GUI, so real-time control is not possible. In addition, I could only change the voltage of one or all channels, and could not precisely control the voltage of each channel, which was a big problem for me. The AD5535B is currently only available as an evaluation board, and the evaluation board can be controlled by an external device. I am currently developing a device that is controlled by an FPGA, and I use MATLAB GUI to send parameters to the FPGA and output voltages from the data to control multiple devices. The voltage waveforms and parameters (DAC codes) were determined by reading the data sheet and analyzing the voltage waveforms sent from SDP-S to the evaluation board. Although the evaluation board has limited applications, there were many people in the Engineer Zone who felt the same way as I did, so I think the SDP-S will be very useful if it can send information not only from a PC but also from various other devices.

