I'm using an AD5292 digital potentiometer to change some voltage and an LTC2400 on the same SPI interface. However, my SDO is stuck to ground as a result of the AD5292 and the LTC2400 is not able to pull it high.
I'm using an AD5292 digital potentiometer to change some voltage and an LTC2400 on the same SPI interface. However, my SDO is stuck to ground as a result of the AD5292 and the LTC2400 is not able to pull it high.
The timing waveform (for the LTC2400) just shows 32 clk pulses, a CS that goes low and a SDO line that does nothing. The SDO line is connected to both the AD5292 and LTC2400 as well as the clk. Seperate they both work, but if I combine them on the SDO line, the LTC2400's SDO stops working