Hello fellows, I'm building my own DAC Eval Board and Im wondering to know ..
- if the External Vref (suggested 2.5v) Can be set in a higher value?, like 5v. I only read about, adjusting Irefin current by resistor avoiding to source more than 10mA, but nothing about the Vref max limits values (May be, not exceed the sourcing values? +/- 5v). The higher Vref values in the DAC, the higher voltage range per counts (better for noise issues)
- About the DAC inputs, Is it necessary to put 22ohms resistor between the FPGA ouput and the DAC input ports? (I'm interfacing a Cyclone V with the DAC) Datasheet suggest to use a resistor bank in Application Information Section - Suggested Evaluation Circuit.
Thanks in advance!
[edited by: HernArg at 4:12 PM (GMT -4) on 26 Apr 2021]