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AD5545, error in data sheet?

In the data sheet for AD5545/AD5555 (rev. I), in the figure 22, there is a voltage regulator ADR03 connected by VIN to VREF of AD5545/AD5555. Is it an error? Or, maybe, there is some sense in this connection?

And, BTW, another question about this scheme. Does it allow both positive and negative VREFs and both positive and negative gains? It seems that it should, but I'd like to receive an exact answer.

  • Hi,

    It seems the VIN and Vout pins were interchanged in the figure, we'll include this in the next datasheet revision. Though the rest of the circuit is correct for the four-quadrant multiplying application. 

    And, BTW, another question about this scheme. Does it allow both positive and negative VREFs and both positive and negative gains?

    The VREF input allows for positive and negative voltages as stated in Table 1. 

    I'm not sure what you mean by the gain. The polarity and magnitude of the gain is dependent on the configuration of the output amplifier. You may refer to this application note for more info. AN-1094 (Rev. 0) (

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    It seems the VIN and Vout pins were interchanged in the figure, we'll include this in the next datasheet revision. Though the rest of the circuit is correct for the four-quadrant multiplying application. 

    And, BTW, another question about this scheme. Does it allow both positive and negative VREFs and both positive and negative gains?

    The VREF input allows for positive and negative voltages as stated in Table 1. 

    I'm not sure what you mean by the gain. The polarity and magnitude of the gain is dependent on the configuration of the output amplifier. You may refer to this application note for more info. AN-1094 (Rev. 0) (

    Best regards,


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