me.. me..
I moved your thread to the Precision DACs community. Someone here will be able to assist you.
Best regards,
soooooooo Thank you veeerrry much!
Please provide additional details on platform used for connecting the device to LabVIEW.
Are you using the eval board available on EVAL-AD5272 Evaluation Board | Analog Devices
I am trying to read and write the variable resistor of AD5272 through cp2112.
The function module of cp2112 has. I don't know the slave address of AD5272.
The AD5272/AD5274 each has a 7-bit slave address. The five MSBs are 01011 and the two LSBs are determined by the state of the ADDR pin. Please refer to Table 11 and Figures 43, 44, 45. Pages 18-20
The AD5272/AD5274 each has a 7-bit slave address. The five MSBs are 01011 and the two LSBs are determined by the state of the ADDR pin. Please refer to Table 11 and Figures 43, 44, 45. Pages 18-20
Since the slave address is 0101111 with 7 bits,
is it 01011110 when inputting as an 8-bit value?
Is 5E correct with the value as the hex value?
In Table 13, write 0x100 to the RDAC register, wiper moves to 1/4 full-scale position
How do I enter the command value?
How do you enter the values of DIN and SDO?
Which function should I use in the cp2112 library in Labview?
Please refer to the figures 43, 44, 45 in the DS.
Please go through the Table 10 to understand the pinout.
You can buy EVAL-AD5272 at the link EVAL-AD5272 Evaluation Board | Analog Devices to speed up your project.
Alternatively, you have the options to try out the following
BeMicro FPGA Project for AD5272 with Nios driver [Analog Devices Wiki]
AD5272 FMC-SDP Interposer & Evaluation Board / Xilinx KC705 Reference Design [Analog Devices Wiki]
Digital Potentiometer Linux Driver [Analog Devices Wiki]
Last one has the source code written in C language.