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Improving Zipper Noise for AD5280


I am exploiting the AD5280 for managing phisical parameters of an analog audio processor for guitar.

the device works with presets ( abrupt change in the configuration: Gain, Boost, Master volume) . In addition these parameters can  be updated very fast with and ADC connected to a potentiometer (expression pedal).

this is a potential cause of zipper noise.

The proposed solution with a window comparator cannot be exploited because we are forced to use a dual supply. What solution do you suggest in order to address this potential issue?

Best regards, 


Parents Reply
  • I can accept to silence the digipot's out  right before an  abrupt transition, update the wiper and then enabling the output ireleasing the wiper to the new value right in the very istant in which the signal crosses zero.

    This is compatible with shorting W and B. 

    I expect this solution almost bump free... 

    does that make sense?
