I have several question about AD5689R Power-on reset and power up sequence.
1)What function is the Command 0110 for this software reset ?
Is it the same function for Hardware reset (/RESET) with RSTSEL pin? ,or register is clear/default?
2)For initial power-up (cold start) to enter normal mode (not exit from power-down mode),
after VDD and VLOGIC power-up to 90%,
how long times wait "Power-Up Time" to RESET?
In datasheet, there are two specifications, but "Coming out of power-down mode" specifications.
Power-Up Time
2.5μs;Coming out of power-down mode; VDD = 5 V
Power-Up Time
4.5μs:Time that is required to exit power-down and enter normal mode of operation; 24th clock edge to 90% of DAC midscale value with output unloaded
Thank you for your help in advance.