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How Power-on reset work on AD5689R?


I have several question about AD5689R Power-on reset and power up sequence.


1)What function is the Command 0110 for this software reset ?

Is it the same function for Hardware reset (/RESET) with RSTSEL pin? ,or register is clear/default?


2)For initial power-up (cold start) to enter normal mode (not exit from power-down mode),

after VDD and VLOGIC power-up to 90%,

how long times wait "Power-Up Time" to RESET?


In datasheet, there are two specifications, but  "Coming out of power-down mode" specifications.


Power-Up Time

2.5μs;Coming out of power-down mode; VDD = 5 V


Power-Up Time

4.5μs:Time that is required to exit power-down and enter normal mode of operation; 24th clock edge to 90% of DAC midscale value with output unloaded


Thank you for your help in advance.



  • Hi,experts

    Can you comment regarding this matter or from anyone?

    Best Regards,


  • Hi, sss-san.

    Let me try to answer those for you.

    1. Software reset is a software issued command to reset the part to the power-on code. It is similar to hardware reset. the difference is that the software reset is controlled using the registers while the hardware reset is controlled by the /RESET pin.

    2. I think 5us of from cold start is enough for the part to reset. This would depend on how fast your power supply can go. I'm going to verify this internally and will get back to you soon



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