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Three electrode measurement for AD5933?

Hi everybody,


we're using the AD5933 for bioelectrical electrode impedance measurements. Usually, the electrodes have to be immersed in a saline solution for measuring, and a 2 point measurement (Electrode to Reference electrode) adds unwanted potential offsets to the measurement. For a more accurate measurement, a technique using 3 electrodes is employed:


(Fig. 4 from this link)

Ralph Group : projects : Fabrication and characterization of graphene electrodes for electrochemistry experiments

Figure 4

Is there any way to connect the AD5933 in such an arrangement to measure impedance? Do you have any additional suggestions for performing such a measurement?


Thanks and Kindest Regards,

Oscar Cota

  • I'm using DS1085L which has a resolution of 5kHz and one divider (1,2,4, or 8) and a second divider (1-1025), so pretty good resolution.

    I had enough time to change the MCLK to your suggestions, but not enough time to verify the AD5933 output frequencies. The measured data for the R+R//C circuit is starting to look much better, but you can see that some are still off. Is there a way to attach an excel file?

  • I'm using DS1085L which has a resolution of 5kHz and one divider (1,2,4, or 8) and a second divider (1-1025), so pretty good resolution.

    I had enough time to change the MCLK to your suggestions, but not enough time to verify the AD5933 output frequencies. The measured data for the R+R//C circuit is starting to look much better, but you can see that some are still off. Is there a way to attach an excel file?

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