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REF input of AD5449


I want to use AD5449 in my design. The REF pin must be provided the external reference input, while the input resistance of REF pin is  11K ohm. The datasheet suggest to use ADR*** to generate the reference input, like ADR06(output current is 10mA) or ADR433 (output current is 30mA).

I am doing a multi-channel DAC design. I want to know how to determine that how many channels of AD5449 can share a reference input voltage?

When the DAC output level change, will it generate a spike at the reference?




  • Hi Jacky,

    I don't have this data available but you may do a quick computation on this one.

    You may first measure the current consumption of the reference pin of the part when the DAC is in full scale. Dividing the reference's current supply with the current consumption will give you the rough estimate number of DACs that can be connected to the reference.



  • Hi Jacky,

    When a digital line is in open-drain configuration, it will still function as an output pin although it will require pull-up resistors for it to be used properly. When disabling the SDO pin, there is no data that will come out of the pin. I'm not sure right now if it will be high-Z of if it is grounded. Most likely it is in the high-Z mode. I will get back to you on this.



  • Mark:

    Thanks for your reply. I appreciated your work.

    In the page 20 of the datasheet, it's said that SDO pin can be configured as different output mode, like Full SDO driver, Weak SDO driver, open drain or Disable SDO output.

    I just confused about Open drain and Disable SDO output. Which is in High-Z output?



  • Hi Jacky,

    The SDO pin is in high-impedance when the SDO is disabled. Take note that if you are using the part in daisy-chain operation, the connection will be open and there will be no data coming out of the part.



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