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USE AD5725 3 line

Is it possible to control the AD5725 with three wires due to lack of GPIO?

(RW,CS,CLR terminal is connected to GND and controls A0 ,A1 ,LDAC terminals)

If the above use is possible,at what timing is the value input when LDAC = Low reflected on the output?

   Or does it need to be Low ⇒ High ⇒ Low once?

  • Hi,

    You could try this instead:

    R/W: tie low

    CLR: tie high

    /LDAC: tie low

    control /CS, A0, A1 through GPIOs.

    When /LDAC is permanently tied low, the output will almost be immediately updated when /CS is low for a minimum time given by twcs.



  • thank you for your answer.
    Please tell me a little more.

    When should I write data?
    Writing with CS=L, then updating with CS=L⇒H⇒L?
    (When CS=H, it was written as HOLD, so I think that it cannot be written at this time.)

  • Sorry I am not sure what exactly your question is, but data transition should follow thte Twds and Twdh timings as shown in the figure below. Same as for the A0/A1 transitions as well.

    Basically, transition your data before pulling /CS = low (using Twds timing), and after releasing /CS=high using Twdh timing. Did I answer your question?



  • thank you for your answer.

    Let me check if my understand the following

    Is tas the recognition that the address must be fixed before CS = Low?
    (The address is read when CS=Low)

    Since the data is also included when CS=low, do I understand that the input data must be confirmed before twds time before CS=Low?

    And since data is taken in over twcs (10ns), it is necessary to keep CS low for that time or longer.

    Is it a recognition that I should not change the data during tAH and tWDH time just in case after CS=H?

  • Is tas the recognition that the address must be fixed before CS = Low?
    (The address is read when CS=Low)

    Yes, the address must not change within tas

    Since the data is also included when CS=low, do I understand that the input data must be confirmed before twds time before CS=Low?

    Yes this is correct.

    And since data is taken in over twcs (10ns), it is necessary to keep CS low for that time or longer.

    Is it a recognition that I should not change the data during tAH and tWDH time just in case after CS=H?

    There should be no data transition or change during twdh

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