Hello dear friends! I have a strange problem with DAC LTC2622. I have: microcontroller, LTC2622, LM4040-3.0 as 3V-reference for DAC. All working good except some situations:
1. When I load to DAC, for example, "1.8V", DAC displays "1.8V".
2. After this, If I load to DAC "0V", DAC displays "0V" - good work. (Video: https://youtu.be/Bc5JtQaE-YI)
1. When I load to DAC voltage more than "1.9V" (for example, 2.8V), DAC displays this value (2.8V).
2. After this, If I load to DAC "0V", DAC displays some random value more than 1.9V, but not zero! Why it not reset to zero? (Video: https://youtu.be/dnlpj72F0kE)
1. When I load to DAC voltage more than "1.9V" (for example, 2.8V), DAC displays this value (2.8V).
2. After this, If I load to DAC voltage more than 0.25V, DAC displays this value (more than 0.25V)! (https://youtu.be/hpUF4fzlK2A)
I think that problem is not in my code, because I've tried to send data to DAC manually (SO-delay-SCK1-delay-SCK0-delay-SO-delay-SCK1-delay-SCK0 ... e.t.c.) using diagram and timing from datasheet (24-bit and 32-bit data word).The result is similar. Oscilloscope also displays that SPI transieve a "zero" bits to data word if I load "0" to DAC. My code is below. Please help!
sbit DAC_CS at GPIOA_ODR.B2; sbit DAC_SCK at GPIOA_ODR.B3; sbit DAC_SO at GPIOA_ODR.B4; void DACOut(unsigned int DACCommand, unsigned int DACAdress, unsigned long DACVoltage) { unsigned long TempData; unsigned int DACData, i; TempData = (unsigned long)DACVoltage*4096/3000 ; // Convert Voltage (in mV) to DAC code. DACData = (unsigned int)TempData ; // Convert Long to Int. Delay_us(1); DAC_CS = 0 ; // CS 0 asm nop; asm nop; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { if (DACCommand.B3 == 1) { DAC_SO = 1 ; } else { DAC_SO = 0 ; } DAC_SCK = 1 ; // SCK UP asm nop ; asm nop ; DAC_SCK = 0 ; // SCK down DACCommand = DACCommand<<1 ; } for (i=0; i<4; i++) { if (DACAdress.B3 == 1) { DAC_SO = 1 ; // 1 } else { DAC_SO = 0 ; // 0 } DAC_SCK = 1 ; // SCK UP asm nop ; asm nop ; DAC_SCK = 0 ; // SCK down DACAdress = DACAdress<<1; } for (i=0; i<16; i++) { if (DACData.B11 == 1) { DAC_SO = 1 ; // 1 } else { DAC_SO = 0 ; // 0 } DAC_SCK = 1 ; // SCK UP asm nop ; asm nop ; DAC_SCK = 0 ; // SCK down DACData = DACData<<1 ; } DAC_CS = 1 ; // CS 1 } void main() { GPIO_Init(); DAC_CS = 1 ; // CS 0 Delay_us(1); while (1) { DacOut(0b0011, 0b0000, 2800); Delay_ms(1000); DacOut(0b0011, 0b0000, 0); Delay_ms(1000); } }