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Choices of amplifiers for AD5781/91

I found that in CN0200 and CN0191, AD8676B and AD8675 are used for both force and sense pins and the output buffer of AD5781/AD5791. The specification of AD8676 is superior, though, the slew rate is limited. We are considering replacing the amplifier to ADA4004 and LT6018, is it worth doing so?

What is the selection criteria for the voltage reference (force and sense) amplifiers and the output amplifiers for 18/20 bit precision DAC?

  • For the reference buffers, the primary consideration is its accuracy. You have to check the amplifier output noise, offset and drift. You don't need a high slew rate amplifier here. If I am going to suggest for the best amplifier here, it would be the ADA4077. It has the best offset & drift performance and its noise is still way below 1 LSB of the AD5781/AD5791.

    For the output buffer, the AD8675 should be fine for AD5781 & AD5791. Criteria is also the drift and offset voltage and it also has lower output noise.

  • I am using ADA4077 for x2 (5V -> 10V) and -x2 (5V -> -10V) reference buffers.

    About the force and sense amplifier, I googled around and find a TI's document (TI SBAA332, I donno whether it is appropriate ...), which says that the force and sense buffer should also be selected for higher SR. Do you think it is a concern about using AD8676 for Force and Sense pins of AD5781?

    I am using AD5781 to generate a DC to 20KHz signals (yes, we include DC), driving a +-10V ac signal to a load of 25Ohm (possibly we are using ADA4870 after the output buffer (AD8675) of AD5781). We are considering using LT6018 as the output buffer instead of AD8675 as it have a much higher SR, and stick with AD8676 as the force and sense buffer.

    Could you please help us choose the appropriate amplifier for force and sense buffers as well as the output buffer?


  • I am using ADA4077 for x2 (5V -> 10V) and -x2 (5V -> -10V) reference buffers.

    About the force and sense amplifier, I googled around and find a TI's document (TI SBAA332, I donno whether it is appropriate ...), which says that the force and sense buffer should also be selected for higher SR. Do you think it is a concern about using AD8676 for Force and Sense pins of AD5781?

    I am using AD5781 to generate a DC to 20KHz signals (yes, we include DC), driving a +-10V ac signal to a load of 25Ohm (possibly we are using ADA4870 after the output buffer (AD8675) of AD5781). We are considering using LT6018 as the output buffer instead of AD8675 as it have a much higher SR, and stick with AD8676 as the force and sense buffer.

    Could you please help us choose the appropriate amplifier for force and sense buffers as well as the output buffer?


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