Our part numbers are AD5391-3 and AD5383-3. Though we are using AD5391-5 and AD538-5, here, i only want to use AD5391-3 as example to ask my questions.
1. What's the mean of "boost off" and "boost on"? How can I know if my chips are in boost on or boost off?
2. Datasheet only gives the power requirements when chip with output unloaded/boost off or with output unloaded/ boost on. I want to know the power requirements when chip is with output loaded.
My system seems meeting with power requirements issue. There two group PCBs, they are same. The only differrent is one group use 3A output for +3.3V, and another use 5A output for +3.3V. Now, the 5A group have good system resolution, and the 3A group have worse system resolution.
Please help us on this, thanks in advance.