My question is the same, but for two different devices, AD974 and AD7656. I
want an input range of at least +/-5V, and from what I understand from the
datasheets, I can use both of the devices as single ended, i.e. I can use the
four inputs on the AD974 for four different signals and still have an input
range of +/-10V and the same for the AD7656, I can use the six inputs for six
different signals and still have an input range of +/-5V.
so my question is quite simple, can I use the devices with bipolar inputs and
still get an input range of +/-5V respectively +/- 10V??
To answer your question yes you can use the devices with bipolar inputs, AD974
only have bipolar +/-10V input range, input range for the AD7656 is Vin = +/-5V
or +/-10V depending on the range pin referenced to ground. NB: The supplies Vdd
and Vss must always greater or equal to the input swing.