What types of input signals the ADAS3023 can support?
The ADAS3023 can resolve the single ended unipolar or bipolar inputs using any
of the four input ranges ±2.56 V, ±5.12 V, ±10.24 V, and ±20.48 V) of an
internal PGIA and it can accept the commonly used single-ended input signals as
shown in Error! Reference source not found., thus allowing the use of many
sensor interfaces directly and handling the full range of industrial signal
Table 1. Typical Input Range Selection
Signals Input Range, VIN (V)
Single Ended*
0 V to 1 V ±1.28 V
0 V to 2.5 V ±2.56 V
0 V to 5 V ±5.12 V
0 V to 10 V ±10.24 V