Inquiry Description:The identification number for the AD7192 stored in the ID register is currently being read as 0xA0. Is this value fixed or likely to change in thefuture. I want to use the ID register value as fixed value for testing the PCB is functional.
The AD7192 has an ID of 0x80. The ID register is an 8-bit register. The register contains ID bits aswell as silicon revision bits. The 3 MSBsindicate the silicon revision while the 5 LSBS are the actual ID bits. There are no plans to revise the silicon. However, if the silicon was revised,the ‘8’ would increase to ‘A’ so the register would contain a value of 0xA8. To use thisregister, you can read all 8 bits. However, I suggest you only process the 5 LSBs. If the silicon were ever changed, the silicon revision would notaffect your system.
On powering up the hardware, I suggest that the you perform a reset (write 40 1s to the ADC). This reset sets all the on-chip registers to defaultvalues. So, rather than read the ID register, it may be better to read a larger register, for example, the mode register. This register will havemore bit variation than the ID register.