AD4116 do not have a built-in open wire detection feature, this can be implemented by a pull up resistor, biased to for example 15V and an external input buffer between the pull up and ADC inputs. When the input is disconnected, the input voltage will be pulled out and recognized as overrange in the ADC data. Note that VIN=+15V won’t cause the ADC Data result to saturate at full-scale, so any detection of ‘overrange’ must be done by user software. Please take note also that a +15V can only be assumed to be due to the pull-up if VIN (−) is always 0V. With a differential input, another resistor from VIN (−) to -15V might be needed, in case both wires break.
If customer is looking for a built-in open wire detect the AD4111 provides a unique solution for open wire detection on the voltage inputs from a single 5V/3.3V supply. Open wire detection is calculated by comparing the difference between the two channel conversions to a certain threshold. Details can be found on page 27 in the Open Wire Detection section of the AD4111 datasheet.