I am working on the LTC1867.
I can communicate correctly with it but I have a shift of one channel compared to the values I expect.
For example, I want to read a voltage (1.25V) on channel 2, this voltage appears on channel 3. However, the commands I send seem to correspond for a reading of channel 21 I send the command 0x94 (I am in Unipolar mode). The code sequence I made is as follows: We put the CS/CONV pin high for 1 ms to launch a conversion then after I lower the pin and I use the HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive function (I am working on an stm32) to send my command 0x94 and receive my data.
When I do this my value of 1.25V arrives on channel 3 while I physically apply it to channel 2. Could you tell me where my error is?
Thank you in advance,