If you look at the AD4630 Datasheet, the SPI communication method is expressed in one direction. Is it compatible with QSPI communication?
It is not compatible with QSPI of STM32H743 product.
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If you look at the AD4630 Datasheet, the SPI communication method is expressed in one direction. Is it compatible with QSPI communication?
It is not compatible with QSPI of STM32H743 product.
Hi, JPaul .
QSPI interfaces expect the data to be 'sliced' across each of the lanes, which is generally not how our converters do the transfers.
So, for a byte of data from a single converter data word with bit 7...0, you'd expect (assuming LSBit first) bit 0 on SDO_0, bit 1 on SDO_1, bit 2 on SDO_2, bit 3 on SDO_3, bit 4 on SDO_0, and so on.
So, while it may be possible to capture the data bits from the converter with a QSPI on an MCU, there'd be a lot of work involved in the data manipulation to re-assemble the actual 24 bit say converter words for each channel. Basically, the data order that STM32 uses is not the same so you will need to manipulate the data once is collected