I'm using the EVAL-AD7134FMCZ with its evaluation software and I am using the AD7134 Device 0 in Averaging Mode, so the DIGITAL_INTERFACE_CONFIG register is set to 0x0F which means channel averaging.
Data from channel 0 and channel 1 are averaged and output on DOUT0. CH2 and CH3 are deactivate, so there should nothing be output on DOUT1.
When I try to do a channel offset calibration for the averaged signal that is output on DOUT0, do I need to apply the offset to the register CH0_OFFSET_REGISTER or also to CH1_OFFSET_REGISTER?
So my question is basically, if the offset is applied before the averaging or after the averaging?
E.g. the evaluation software shows an offset of -1V, which is -2048000 LSB on channel 0 (which shows the averaged signal of CH0 and CH1), do I need to apply the offset calibration just to CH0_OFFSET_REGISTER or also to CH1_OFFSET_REGISTER?
And is the offset with a positive sign? So, to I need to apply +2048000 or -204800 in the signed two's complement register?