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Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD7124-8

In datasheet page 11 timing characteristics table 4.

t12(min)=3/MCLK at full power mode,

t12(min)=12/MCLK at mid power mode,

t12(min)=24/MCLK at low power mode,

does MCLK=614.4kHz or 2.4576MHz?

does MCLK vary at different power mode?

Top Replies

    •  Analog Employees 
    in reply to howardaaa +1 verified

    Hi  ,

    Apologies for the confusion. Yes, you are correct, the MCLK value to be used for the page 11 timing characteristics table 4 is 614.4kHz for the different power modes. 

