Hi, I couldn't find the User Manual related to EVAL-AD7124-4ASDZ, can you help me finding any related manuals/schematics?
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The AD7124-4 is a low power, low noise, completely integrated analog front end for high precision measurement applications. The device contains a low noise...
AD7124-4 on Analog.com
Hi, I couldn't find the User Manual related to EVAL-AD7124-4ASDZ, can you help me finding any related manuals/schematics?
Hi ofunal ,
The user guide and schematics for the EVAL-AD7124-4ASDZ is not yet available on the AD7124-4 product page. I will coordinate with the product owner for the timeline of the user guide. I will get back to you for the availability of the UG.
However, I've sent the schematic and files to your email, in your profile.
Thanks and regards,
Hi ofunal ,
The user guide and schematics for the EVAL-AD7124-4ASDZ is not yet available on the AD7124-4 product page. I will coordinate with the product owner for the timeline of the user guide. I will get back to you for the availability of the UG.
However, I've sent the schematic and files to your email, in your profile.
Thanks and regards,