"eval-ad7124-4asdz", I purchased the evolution board linked. However, I cannot find a drawing for the above product. Where can I get the drawings?
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The AD7124-4 is a low power, low noise, completely integrated analog front end for high precision measurement applications. The device contains a low noise...
AD7124-4 on Analog.com
"eval-ad7124-4asdz", I purchased the evolution board linked. However, I cannot find a drawing for the above product. Where can I get the drawings?
I will contact the product owner and get back to you.
Hi LukasSong ,
Apologies, but the user guide for the eval-ad7124-4asdz is not available yet. I'll be sending the schematic to your email instead.
Thanks and regards,
Hi, can I also get the related schematic?
Hi. This has been answered on this thread: User Manual / Schematics EVAL-AD7124-4ASDZ - Q&A - Precision ADCs - EngineerZone (analog.com). I will now close this thread.
Hi Lucas,
can I also get the schematic ?
Hi EugDijk ,
Apologies for missing this. I have sent an email with the schematic to e.vdijk@krohne.com.
I would recommend that next time, you create a new related question as shown below instead of commenting to an old thread. So that your questions will be seen and responded in a timely manner.
Thanks and regards,