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ad7768 soft reset

Category: Software
Product Number: ad7768
Software Version: linux master

The ad7768-1 driver performs a soft reset here:

The ad7768 driver doesn't seem to do the same.  Is that really the case and if so, is there a way to trigger a soft reset besides manually sending it via spi or gpio?

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  • After posting this I realized its very similar to a previous question I asked here:  ad7768 eval start_n pin  and here  AD7768 GPIO controller seems unused 

    The HDL design for this chip has a gpio controller.  I think the no-os version of the driver uses this controller to config start and reset on the chip.  I think maybe this is an oversight in the linux driver which is likely supposed to issue a reset via SPI during the driver probe.

  • Hi  ,

    Upon reviewing the ad7768 driver, I observed the presence of the .debugfs_reg_access function, facilitating communication with the register through IIO attributes.

    For reading, the command is structured as follows:
    iio_attr -D ad7768 direct_reg_access 0x1d

    Regarding the write operation, initiating a software reset necessitates two writes to the SPI_RESET [1:0] bits. The sequence involves setting the bits initially to '11' and subsequently to '10' for the reset to take effect:
    iio_attr -D ad7768 direct_reg_access 0x3
    iio_attr -D ad7768 direct_reg_access 0x2

    Let me know if this works for you.


  • Thanks, this is a good workaround.

    I noticed that in later versions of the driver there are now bindings to map the gpio-based reset_n pin.  It's now documented in the devicetree bindings for the ad7768.