Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD4130- 8
Hi, I am using the AD4130 in the WLCSP package on my custom board. The standard way of operating is as follows:
- Power on the device.
- Wait 2048us for the reset to perform.
- Soft reset the device (by writing 64 consecutive 1s to the device).
- Wait 2048us.
- Read the ID register content.
- SETUP registers:
- CONTROL (SPI 4-wire, int_ref_en, data_status).
- MISC (stby_refhole_en, stby_diagnostics_en).
- ERR_EN(spi_write_err_en, spi_read_err_en, spi_ignore_err_en)
- CONFIG (pga_gain).
- FILTER (filter_mode_n = 2, fs = 2047).
- CHANNEL (ainp, ainm, enable_m).
- CONTROL (set single_con).
- After the data_ready signal on the INT pin - I read data and status from the DATA register. If there is a master_err flag, I also read the ERRORS register and then write 0 to it to clear its content.
- SETUP registers:
- CTRL (mode = STANDBY)
- Wait 1ms
- CTRL (mode = POWER_DOWN)
- Wait for some time (20sec) and then perform steps 1-8 again.
The first problem I've encountered is the fact that I can't wake up the device. The content of the ID reg is always corrupted. To fix this, I omit the last writing to the CTRL register (choosing POWER_DOWN mode). It helps, but it is not a solution that satisfies me.
Another problem is the content of the DATA register, which sometimes is not correct.
Perhaps somebody can point out what I am doing wrong? Or does anyone have a similar problem with this ADC? Thank you in advance.