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Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD4111

hello everyone, 
can anyone please help me getting started with ad4111 by giving a basic example to read 0 to 10v single-ended on every channel.


[edited by: mayur09 at 10:53 AM (GMT -5) on 16 Dec 2023]
  • Hi  ,

    In page 23 of the datasheet, you could see the suggested ADC configuration flow. In your setup, to be able to read single-ended on every channel, you could connect VINCOM to ground and select the inputs in the CHANNEL REGISTER with (VINx, VINCOM).

    Then, you could configure the SETUP CONFIGURATION Register, Select filter and ODR. The input buffers must also be enabled when for VIN inputs for correct operation.

    One thing to note, when multiple channels are enabled, you must set the DATA_STAT bit to 1 in the INTERFACE MODE REGISTER. This bit will enable the 8 bits STATUS REGISTER to be appended to the DATA REGISTER. This will indicate which channel the data corresponds to. Furthermore, the ADC automatically sequences to all enabled channels from Channel 0 to Channel 15, if a channel is disabled, it is skipped by the sequencer. In any of the operating modes, continuous conversion mode, continuous read mode, and single conversion mode in the ADC MODE REGISTER, the user must poll or read the RDY bit in the STATUS REGISTER and wait for it to go LOW indicating that the data is ready and available to read.

    Hope this helps.



  • Where can I find a full and workable sample codes for AD4111 for a ESP processor?

  • Hi  ,

    We have MBED sample codes readily available on our product page. The sample codes are compatible only with mbed based boards listed in Development boards | Mbed. Unfortunately, I do not see one that uses ESP processor so our available code cannot be used with it.



  • can you help me with this. I'm able to read adc address 0x30de using command 0x47 using spi from esp32 controller. but I don't know the exact setup commands sequence, setup configuration and clock setup to  read single ended channels. 

  • Hi  ,

    ADI North America will be on winter shutdown starting December 25, 2023; perhaps another community member can assist you until our return on January 8, 2024. We will get back to you soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.



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