What should the exposed pad of the MAX11284 be connected to, it isn't mentioned in the data sheet. On the EVKIT it is connected to AVSS_A, is this the recommendation?
Recommended for New Designs
The MAX11284 is a dual 24-bit delta sigma ADC that achieves excellent SNR while dissipating a low 3.6mW per ADC. Precision DC and AC measurements can be...
MAX11284 on Analog.com
What should the exposed pad of the MAX11284 be connected to, it isn't mentioned in the data sheet. On the EVKIT it is connected to AVSS_A, is this the recommendation?
Only Maxim ATE products are supported on EngineerZone at this time. Over the next several months, you will see more Maxim products being supported in EngineerZone. Please visit one of the technical support pages on our newly integrated website below for assistance with Maxim Integrated products.
EN - https://www.analog.com/en/support/technical-support.html#
CN - https://support.analog.com/zh-CN/technical-support/
JP - https://support.analog.com/ja-JP/technical-support/
Only Maxim ATE products are supported on EngineerZone at this time. Over the next several months, you will see more Maxim products being supported in EngineerZone. Please visit one of the technical support pages on our newly integrated website below for assistance with Maxim Integrated products.
EN - https://www.analog.com/en/support/technical-support.html#
CN - https://support.analog.com/zh-CN/technical-support/
JP - https://support.analog.com/ja-JP/technical-support/