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AD7980 in 4-WIRE CS MODE WITHOUT BUSY INDICATOR, How many AD7980 can be conected in this way? In datasheet, the example of this application is only two parts, if possible, connected three or more?

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD7980

AD7980 in 4-WIRE CS MODE WITHOUT BUSY INDICATOR, How many AD7980 can be conected in this way? In datasheet, the example of this application is only two parts, if  possible,  connected  three or more?

update the issue. PN is AD7980
[edited by: Sara123 at 8:11 AM (GMT -4) on 16 Jun 2023]
Parents Reply Children
  • It seems that there is a problem with my English, which has been the problem since the beginning. Three SDOs connected together have been unable to function properly. To find the reason, I separated the SDO and discovered a conflict. I want to see if anyone can prove me wrong. Find examples of three AD7980 SDO connections working properly together.

    From the beginning until now, the problem has always existed. There has been no progress.