Hi Folkes,
After running AD5940_HWReset();
AD5940_Initialize(); functions and verifying the ADIID and chip-id of AD5940, I am trying to to set GPIO_Pin_0, GPIO_Pin_1 and GPIO_Pin_2 to output pin and set the value as high for AD5941.
I tried following code:
uint32_t j = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0OUT); uint32_t i = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0IEN); uint32_t k = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0OEN); AGPIOCfg_Type agpioCfg; /* Configure AGPIO Pin 0, Pin 1, and Pin 2 as output pins */ agpioCfg.FuncSet = GP0_GPIO | GP1_GPIO | GP3_GPIO ; agpioCfg.OutputEnSet = AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2; agpioCfg.InputEnSet = 0; agpioCfg.PullEnSet = AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2; agpioCfg.OutVal = AGPIO_Pin0|AGPIO_Pin1|AGPIO_Pin2; AD5940_AGPIOCfg(&agpioCfg); //AD5940_AGPIOSet(AGPIO_Pin0 | AGPIO_Pin1 | AGPIO_Pin2); j = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0OUT); i = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0SET); k = AD5940_ReadReg(REG_AGPIO_GP0OEN); }
But not able to get the proper GPIO output level after running this code?
Do I missing something? Do we require pull-up resistor to do this action?
If there is change in code required then let me know? Or I am missing some configurations? I am using STM32WB55xx mcu for the SPI communication.