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issue with SPI COMMUNICATION WITH AD7173-8, controller ESP32

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD7173-8

Hello everyone,

I am writing a driver to interface AD7173-8 to ESP32 Microcontroller. when I try to read the reset value of a particular register, it is giving different value.

here are the register reset values I tried to read 

the status register reset value as per the datasheet is 0x80. but the reset value I read is 0x81.

the ADCMODE  register reset value as per the datasheet is 0x2000. but the reset value I read is 0x201.

the IFMODE  register reset value as per the datasheet is 0x0000. but the reset value I read is 0x01.

please help to tackle this issue.

thank you

Moved & tagged
[edited by: emassa at 4:03 PM (GMT -5) on 2 Mar 2023]
  • Hi  ,

    We will look into this. I will contact the product owner and get back to you.



  • Hi  ,

    Is the reset value of the ADCMODE register really 0x201 and not 0x2001? 

    Can you provide a digital interface scope shot for this? 

    You may also want to refer to Digital Interface FAQ - Sigma Delta ADC - Q&A - Precision ADCs - EngineerZone ( The number 8 FAQ might be able to answer this query or maybe help you understand the data you are reading. Thank you.



  • Hi RAdante,

    thanks for your response, 

    as per the datasheet ADCMODE reset value is 0x2000. but when I read that register it is giving 0x201

    here correct reset value is 0x2000

    so, what could be the issue?

    thanks & regards


  • Hi JC,

    thanks for the response.



  • Hi,

    Can you provide a digital interface scope shot for this? So that we can better understand the output you are reading. Thanks.



  • Hi RAdante,

    sorry for the late response

    I have changed the frequency of the SPI protocol and now it reads the register reset value properly.

    I have configured all the required registers but conversion not happening.

    I am getting output as 000. here I have attached the code below,

    please let me know if anything is configured wrong or if any other issue

    main code
    #include "AD7173_8.h"
    void setup() {
    	/* initiate serial communication */
    	/* initialize SPI connection to the ADC */
    	/* sync the ADC */
    	/* reset the ADC registers to default */
    	/* check if the ID register of the ADC is valid */
    	if (AD7173.is_valid_id()) Serial.println("AD7173 ID is valid");
    	else Serial.println("AD7173 ID is invalid");
    	/* set ADC input channel configuration */
    	/* enable channel 0 and channel 1 and connect each to 2 analog inputs for bipolar input */
    	/* CH0 - CH15 */
    	/* true/false to enable/disable channel */
    	/* SETUP0 - SETUP7 */
    	/* AIN0 - AIN16 */
    Serial.println("nexrt process");
    	AD7173.set_channel_config(CH3, true, SETUP0, AIN3, AIN2);
    	//AD7173.set_channel_config(CH1, true, SETUP0, AIN2, AIN3);
    	/* set the ADC SETUP0 coding mode to BIPLOAR output */
    	/* SETUP0 - SETUP7 */
    	AD7173.set_setup_config(SETUP0, BIPOLAR, AIN_BUF_DISABLE, REF_EXT);
    	/* set ADC OFFSET0 offset value */
    	/* OFFSET0 - OFFSET7 */
    	AD7173.set_offset_config(OFFSET0, 0);
    	/* set the ADC FILTER0 ac_rejection to false and samplingrate to 1007 Hz */
    	/* FILTER0 - FILTER7 */
    	/* SPS_1, SPS_2, SPS_5, SPS_10, SPS_16, SPS_20, SPS_49, SPS_59, SPS_100, SPS_200 */
    	/* SPS_381, SPS_503, SPS_1007, SPS_2597, SPS_5208, SPS_10417, SPS_15625, SPS_31250 */
    	AD7173.set_filter_config(FILTER0,  SPS_5);
    	/* set the ADC data and clock mode */
    	/* in SINGLE_CONVERSION_MODE after all setup channels are sampled the ADC goes into STANDBY_MODE */
    	/* to exit STANDBY_MODE use this same function to go into CONTINUOUS or SINGLE_CONVERSION_MODE */
    	/* enable/disable CONTINUOUS_READ_MODE and appending STATUS register to data */
    	/* to exit CONTINUOUS_READ_MODE use AD7173.reset(); */
    	/* AD7173.reset(); returns all registers to default state, so everything has to be setup again */
    	/* true / false to enable / disable appending status register to data, 4th byte */
    	AD7173.set_interface_mode_config(false, true);
    Serial.println("nexrt process started");
    	/* wait for ADC */
    /* ADC conversion data and STATUS register */
    byte data[4];
    void loop() {
    	/* when ADC conversion is finished */
    	if (DATA_READY) {
    		/* get ADC conversion result */
        Serial.println("DATA READY");
    		/* send result via serial */
    		Serial.print(data[0], HEX);
    		Serial.print(data[1], HEX);
    		Serial.println(data[2], HEX);
    		Serial.println(data[3], HEX);
         Serial.println("DATA not READY");
    #include "AD7173_8.h"
    AD7173Class AD7173;
    void AD7173Class::init() {
    	/* initiate SPI communication */
    	/* use SPI mode 3 */
    	/* allow the LDOs to power up */
    void AD7173Class::reset() {
    	/* sending at least 64 high bits returns ADC to default state */
    	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    	/* allow the LDOs to power up */
    void AD7173Class::sync() {
    	/* toggle the chip select */
    	digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
    	digitalWrite(SS, LOW);
    	/* allow the LDOs to power up */
    void AD7173Class::print_byte(byte value) {
    	char format[10];
    	sprintf(format, "0x%.2X ", value);
    int AD7173Class::set_register(adc7173_register_t reg, byte *value, int value_len) {
    	/* send communication register id 0x00 */
      digitalWrite(SS, LOW);
    	/* send write command to the desired register 0x00 - 0xFF */
    	SPI.transfer(0x00 | reg);
    	/* send the desired amount of bytes */
    	for (int i = 0; i < value_len; i++) {
      digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
    	/* when debug enabled */
    	if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
    		Serial.print("set_register: set [ ");
    		for (int i = 0; i < value_len; i++) {
    		Serial.print("] to reg [ ");
    	/* TODO: find out correct delay */
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    int AD7173Class::get_register(adc7173_register_t reg, byte *value, int value_len) {
    	/* send communication register id 0x00 */
       digitalWrite(SS, LOW);
    	/* send read command to the desired register 0x00 - 0xFF */
    	SPI.transfer(0x40 | reg);
    	/* receive the desired amount of bytes */
    	for (int i = 0; i < value_len; i++) {
    		value[i] = SPI.transfer(0x00);
      digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
    	/* when debug enabled */
    	if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
    		Serial.print("get_register: got [ ");
    		for (int i = 0; i < value_len; i++) {
    		Serial.print("] from reg [ ");
    		Serial.println(" ]");
    	/* TODO: find out correct delay */
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    int AD7173Class::get_current_data_channel(adc7173_register_t &channel) {
    	/* Address: 0x00, Reset: 0x80, Name: STATUS */
    	/* get ADC status register */
    	byte value[1];
    	this->get_register(STATUS_REG, value, 1);
    	/* assign to return channel register value */
    	channel = (adc7173_register_t) (value[0] & 0x0F);
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    int AD7173Class::set_adc_mode_config(data_mode_t data_mode, clock_mode_t clock_mode, ref_mode_t ref_mode) {
    	/* Address: 0x01, Reset: 0x2000, Name: ADCMODE */
    	/* prepare the configuration value */
    	/* REF_EN [15], RESERVED [14], SING_CYC [13], RESERVED [12:11], DELAY [10:8], RESERVED [7], MODE [6:4], CLOCKSEL [3:2], RESERED [1:0] */
    	byte value[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
    	value[1] = (data_mode << 4) | (clock_mode << 2);
    	value[0] = (ref_mode << 7)|(1<<5);
    	/* update the configuration value */
    	this->set_register(ADCMODE_REG, value, 2);
    	/* verify the updated configuration value */
    	this->get_register(ADCMODE_REG, value, 2);
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    int AD7173Class::set_interface_mode_config(bool continuous_read, bool append_status_reg) {
    	/* Address: 0x02, Reset: 0x0000, Name: IFMODE */
    	/* prepare the configuration value */
    	/* RESERVED [15:13], ALT_SYNC [12], IOSTRENGTH [11], HIDE_DELAY [10], RESERVED [9], DOUT_RESET [8], CONTREAD [7], DATA_STAT [6], REG_CHECK [5], RESERVED [4], CRC_EN [3:2], RESERVED [1], WL16 [0] */
    	byte value[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
    	value[1] = (continuous_read << 7) | (append_status_reg << 6);
    	/* update the configuration value */
    	this->set_register(IFMODE_REG, value, 2);
    	/* verify the updated configuration value */
    	this->get_register(IFMODE_REG, value, 2);
    	/* when continuous read mode */
    	if (continuous_read) {
    		/* update the data mode */
    		this->m_data_mode = CONTINUOUS_READ_MODE;
    	/* enable or disable appending status reg to data */
    	this->append_status_reg = append_status_reg;
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    int AD7173Class::get_data(byte *value) {
    	/* Address: 0x04, Reset: 0x000000, Name: DATA */
     digitalWrite(SS, LOW);
    	/* when not in continuous read mode, send the read command */
    	if (this->m_data_mode != CONTINUOUS_READ_MODE) {
    		/* send communication register id 0x00 */
    		/* send read command 0x40 to the data register 0x04 */
    		SPI.transfer(0x40 | DATA_REG);
    	/* get the ADC conversion result (24 bits) */
    	value[0] = SPI.transfer(0x00);
    	value[1] = SPI.transfer(0x00);
    	value[2] = SPI.transfer(0x00);
    	/* when status register appending is enabled */
    	if (this->append_status_reg) {
    		value[3] = SPI.transfer(0x00);
    	// digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);
    	/* when debug enabled */
    	if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
    		Serial.print("get_data: read [ ");
    		/* when status register appending is enabled */
    		if (this->append_status_reg) {
    		Serial.println("] from reg [ 0x04 ]");
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    bool AD7173Class::is_valid_id() {
    	/* Address: 0x07, Reset: 0x30DX, Name: ID */
    	/* get the ADC device ID */
    	byte id[2];
    	this->get_register(ID_REG, id, 2);
    	/* check if the id matches 0x30DX, where X is don't care */
    	//id[1] &= 0xF0;
    	bool valid_id = id[0] == 0x30 && id[1] == 0xD5;
    Serial.print("init: ADC device ID is invalid :( [ ");
    	/* when debug enabled */
    	if (DEBUG_ENABLED) {
    		if (valid_id) {
    			Serial.println("init: ADC device ID is valid :)");
    		} else {
    			Serial.print("init: ADC device ID is invalid :( [ ");
    			Serial.print(" ]");
    	/* return validity of ADC device ID */
    	return valid_id;
    int AD7173Class::set_channel_config(adc7173_register_t channel, bool enable, adc7173_register_t setup, analog_input_t ain_pos, analog_input_t ain_neg) {
    	/* Address: 0x10, Reset: 0x8001, Name: CH0 */
    	/* Address Range: 0x11 to 0x1F, Reset: 0x0001, Name: CH1 to CH15 */
    	/* prepare the configuration value */
    	/* CH_EN0 [15], SETUP_SEL0 [14:12], RESERVED [11:10], AINPOS0 [9:5], AINNEG0 [4:0] */
    	byte value[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
    	value[0] = (enable << 7) | (setup << 4) | (ain_pos >> 3);
    	value[1] = (ain_pos << 5) | ain_neg;
    	/* update the configuration value */
    	this->set_register(channel, value, 2);
    	/* verify the updated configuration value */
    	this->get_register(channel, value, 2);
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    int AD7173Class::set_setup_config(adc7173_register_t setup, coding_mode_t coding_mode, ain_buf_mode_t ain_buf_mode, setup_ref_source_t setup_ref_source) {
    	/* Address Range: 0x20 to 0x27, Reset: 0x1000, Name: SETUPCON0 to SETUPCON7 */
    	/* prepare the configuration value */
    	byte value[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
    	value[0] = (coding_mode << 4) | ain_buf_mode;
    	value[1] = (setup_ref_source << 4);
    	/* update the configuration value */
    	this->set_register(setup, value, 2);
    	/* verify the updated configuration value */
    	this->get_register(setup, value, 2);
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    int AD7173Class::set_filter_config(adc7173_register_t filter, data_rate_t data_rate) {
    	/* Address Range: 0x28 to 0x2F, Reset: 0x0000, Name: FILTCON0 to FILTCON7 */
    	/* prepare the configuration value */
    	byte value[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
    	/* SINC3_MAP0 [15], RESERVED [14:12], ENHFILTEN0 [11], ENHFILT0 [10:8], RESERVED [7], ORDER0 [6:5], ORD0 [4:0] */
    	value[1] = data_rate;
    	/* update the configuration value */
    	this->set_register(filter, value, 2);
    	/* verify the updated configuration value */
    	this->get_register(filter, value, 2);
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    int AD7173Class::set_offset_config(adc7173_register_t offset, uint32_t offset_value) {
    	/* Address Range: 0x30 to 0x37, Reset: 0x0000, Name: OFFSET0 to OFFSET7 */
    	/* add the default offset value */
    	offset_value += 8388608;
    	/* prepare the configuration value */
    	byte value[3] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
    	value[0] = offset_value >> 16;
    	value[1] = offset_value >> 8;
    	value[2] = offset_value;
    	/* update the configuration value */
    	this->set_register(offset, value, 3);
    	/* verify the updated configuration value */
    	this->get_register(offset, value, 3);
    	/* return error code */
    	return 0;
    AD7173_8.h file
    #ifndef _AD7173_H_INCLUDED
    #define _AD7173_H_INCLUDED
    #if ARDUINO >= 100
    #include "Arduino.h"
    #include "WProgram.h"
    #include "SPI.h"
    /* enable or disable debug */
    #define DEBUG_ENABLED 0
    /* delay for reading and writing registers  */
    #define READ_WRITE_DELAY 1
    /* registers */
    typedef enum {
    	/* other ADC registers */
    	COMMS_REG = 0x00,
    	STATUS_REG = 0x00,
    	ADCMODE_REG = 0x01,
    	IFMODE_REG = 0x02,
    	REGCHECK_REG = 0x03,
    	DATA_REG = 0x04,
    	GPIOCON_REG = 0x06,
    	ID_REG = 0x07,
    	/* ADC channel registers */
    	CH0 = 0x10,
    	CH1 = 0x11,
    	CH2 = 0x12,
    	CH3 = 0x13,
    	CH4 = 0x14,
    	CH5 = 0x15,
    	CH6 = 0x16,
    	CH7 = 0x17,
    	CH8 = 0x18,
    	CH9 = 0x19,
    	CH10 = 0x1A,
    	CH11 = 0x1B,
    	CH12 = 0x1C,
    	CH13 = 0x1D,
    	CH14 = 0x1E,
    	CH15 = 0x1F,
    	/* ADC setup config register */
    	SETUP0 = 0x20,
    	SETUP1 = 0x21,
    	SETUP2 = 0x22,
    	SETUP3 = 0x23,
    	SETUP4 = 0x24,
    	SETUP5 = 0x25,
    	SETUP6 = 0x26,
    	SETUP7 = 0x27,
    	/* ADC filter config registers */
    	FILTER0 = 0x28,
    	FILTER1 = 0x29,
    	FILTER2 = 0x2A,
    	FILTER3 = 0x2B,
    	FILTER4 = 0x2C,
    	FILTER5 = 0x2D,
    	FILTER6 = 0x2E,
    	FILTER7 = 0x2F,
    	/* ADC offset registers */
    	OFFSET0 = 0x30,
    	OFFSET1 = 0x31,
    	OFFSET2 = 0x32,
    	OFFSET3 = 0x33,
    	OFFSET4 = 0x34,
    	OFFSET5 = 0x35,
    	OFFSET6 = 0x36,
    	OFFSET7 = 0x37,
    	/* ADC gain registers */
    	GAIN0 = 0x38,
    	GAIN1 = 0x39,
    	GAIN2 = 0x3A,
    	GAIN3 = 0x3B,
    	GAIN4 = 0x3C,
    	GAIN5 = 0x3D,
    	GAIN6 = 0x3E,
    	GAIN7 = 0x3F
    } adc7173_register_t;
    /* ADC analog inputs */
    typedef enum {
    	AIN0 = 0x00,
    	AIN1 = 0x01,
    	AIN2 = 0x02,
    	AIN3 = 0x03,
    	AIN4 = 0x04,
    	AIN5 = 0x05,
    	AIN6 = 0x06,
    	AIN7 = 0x07,
    	AIN8 = 0x08,
    	AIN9 = 0x09,
    	AIN10 = 0x0A,
    	AIN11 = 0x0B,
    	AIN12 = 0x0C,
    	AIN13 = 0x0D,
    	AIN14 = 0x0E,
    	AIN15 = 0x0F,
    	AIN16 = 0x10,
    	/* other ADC analog inputs */
    	TEMP_SENSOR_POS = 0x11,
    	TEMP_SENSOR_NEG = 0x12,
    	REF_POS = 0x15,
    	REF_NEG = 0x16
    } analog_input_t;
    /* ADC filter data rates (samples per second) */
    /* some are are rounded down, the data rates are for sinc5 + sinc1 */
    typedef enum {
    	SPS_31250 = 0x00,
    	SPS_15625 = 0x06,
    	SPS_10417 = 0x07,
    	SPS_5208 = 0x08,
    	SPS_2597 = 0x09,
    	SPS_1007 = 0x0A,
    	SPS_503 = 0x0B,
    	SPS_381 = 0x0C,
    	SPS_200 = 0x0D,
    	SPS_100 = 0x0E,
    	SPS_59 = 0x0F,
    	SPS_49 = 0x10,
    	SPS_20 = 0x11,
    	SPS_16 = 0x12,
    	SPS_10 = 0x13,
    	SPS_5 = 0x14,
    	SPS_2 = 0x15,
    	SPS_1 = 0x16
    } data_rate_t;
    /* ADC setup coding modes */
    typedef enum {
    	UNIPOLAR = 0x00,
    	BIPOLAR = 0x01
    } coding_mode_t;
    /* ADC data conversion modes */
    typedef enum {
    } data_mode_t;
    /* clock mode */
    	00 Internal oscillator
    	01 Internal oscillator output on XTAL2/CLKIO pin
    	10 External clock input on XTAL2/CLKIO pin
    	11 External crystal on XTAL1 and XTAL2/CLKIO pins
    typedef enum {
    	INTERNAL_CLOCK = 0x00,
    } clock_mode_t;
    /* ADC internal reference modes */
    typedef enum {
    	REF_DISABLE = 0x00,
    	REF_ENABLE = 0x01
    } ref_mode_t;
    /* ADC channel buffer setting */
    typedef enum {
    	AIN_BUF_DISABLE = 0x00,
    	AIN_BUF_ENABLE = 0x03
    } ain_buf_mode_t;
    /* setup to select reference source */
    	00 External reference source
    	01 AIN1/REF2+ and AIN0/REF2−
    	10 Internal reference source
    	11 External AVDD1 – AVSS
    typedef enum {
    	REF_EXT = 0x00,
    	REF_AIN = 0x01,
    	REF_INT = 0x02,
    	REF_PWR = 0x03
    } setup_ref_source_t;
    /* ADC data ready indicator */
    #define DATA_READY digitalRead(MISO) == LOW
    class AD7173Class {
    	set default ADC setup coding mode
    	set default ADC data conversion mode
    	AD7173Class() : m_data_mode(CONTINUOUS_CONVERSION_MODE), append_status_reg(false) {
    		/* ... */
    	initializes the SPI connection with the ADC
    	void init();
    	cancels the current transaction to resync the ADC
    	void sync();
    	resets the ADC registers to the default state
    	void reset();
    	gets the current conversion results channel
    	@param byte - current data channel
    	@return int - error code
    	int get_current_data_channel(adc7173_register_t &);
    	sets the ADC mode configuration
    	@param clock_mode_t - clock mode
    	@return int - error code
    	int set_adc_mode_config(data_mode_t, clock_mode_t, ref_mode_t);
    	sets the ADC interface mode configuration
    	@param bool - ensable/disable continuous read mode
    	@return int - error code
    	int set_interface_mode_config(bool, bool);
    	gets the ADC conversion result
    	@return byte[] - the ADC conversion result
    	int get_data(byte *);
    	checks the ID register of the ADC
    	@return bool - true if the ADC ID valid
    	bool is_valid_id();
    	configures ADC channels
    	@param byte - channel register
    	@param bool - enable/disable channel
    	@param byte - setup register
    	@param byte - analog input positive
    	@param byte - analog input negative
    	@return int - error code
    	int set_channel_config(adc7173_register_t, bool, adc7173_register_t, analog_input_t, analog_input_t);
    	sets the ADC setups coding mode
    	@param byte - setup register
    	@param condig_mode_t - coding mode
    	@param ain_buf_t - analog input buffer
    	@return int - error code
    	int set_setup_config(adc7173_register_t, coding_mode_t, ain_buf_mode_t, setup_ref_source_t);
    	sets the ADC filters data conversion rate
    	@param byte - filter register
    	@param byte - data rate
    	@return int - error code
    	int set_filter_config(adc7173_register_t, data_rate_t);
    	sets the ADC offset compensation value
    	@param byte - offset register
    	@param uint32_t - offset value
    	@return int - error code
    	int set_offset_config(adc7173_register_t, uint32_t);
    	/* ADC data mode */
    	data_mode_t m_data_mode;
    	/* Append status register to data */
    	bool append_status_reg;
    	print bytes in nice format
    	@param byte - byte to print
    	void print_byte(byte);
    	set a desired ADC register value
    	@param byte - the register to set
    	@param  byte[] - the bytes to set
    	@param int - the length of bytes to set
    	int set_register(adc7173_register_t, byte *, int);
    	get a desired ADC register value
    	@param byte - the register to get
    	@param int - the length of bytes to get
    	@return byte[] - the ADC register value
    	int get_register(adc7173_register_t, byte *, int);
    extern AD7173Class AD7173;



  • Hi  ,

    To determine the end of conversion status in single conversion mode, could you try to poll the RDY[7] bit in the status register (Address:0x0)? 

    In Continuous conversion mode, could you try to source the MISO pin as a source of interrupt to determine the Low signal before the data is being read?


    Janani Sunil

  • Hi  ,

    Just to add a suggestion, can you also monitor the Status Register (0x00) to check if an error in case an undervoltage has occurred.



  • Hi JC

    as you suggested I have read the status register and its value are 0x80. 

    DOUT/RDY  pin not going LOW.

     thanks & regards


  • Hi Janani,

    as you said I did both. I have been monitoring the MISO pin it is not going LOW.

    thanks & regards
