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Noise observed when 150 Hz test tone data is captured using EVAL-ADAS1000 EVM.

Category: Hardware
Product Number: EVAL-ADAS1000


We are trying to capture the Test tone data using EVAL-ADAS1000 EVM. The 1Hz, 10Hz test tone waveforms are fine. However, 150Hz test tone waveform is not proper. 

In Frame control register We are using a setting of Every 4th frame is output. Is it the issue because our sampling rate is 500 Hz...? Please clarify.


Parents Reply
  • Dear Mark, 

    I have verified the configuration settings. They are set as per Example 4. Except for Frame control register where We have used 0x8A1F961C. (Skip interval is selected as Output every 4th frame to achieve 500 Hz data rate).

    If We set FRMCTL as 0x8A1F9610. We are able to obtain proper 150Hz sine wave plot.

    Are you also able to obtain the same result on EVM. ..?

    Thanks and Regards,

