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AD4110-1 - Max sample rate for 24 bits

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD4110-1
Software Version: 1.5 EVAL BOARD

I'm testing an AD4110-1 for a product and am trying to verify 24-bit performance at the maximum sample rate.

When injecting a 100 Hz sine wave with:

ADC_Config = x1301

Filter_Config = x0501

ADC_Interface_Mode = 0x0000 

ADC_Mode = 0x0000 (ADC OUTPUT 24 bits)

am expecting that a 1250 sample collection will give me one cycle at 100 Hz, sampled at 24-bits and 125 kS/s. Instead I see two cycles indicating the true sample rate is 62.5 kS/s despite what is indicated.

When I change 

ADC_Config = x1301

Filter_Config = x0501

ADC_Interface_Mode = 0x0000 

ADC_Mode = 0x0001 (ADC OUTPUT 16 bits)

I am now sampling at 16 bits, and a 1250 sample collection gives the expected one cycle, indicating a 125 kS/s cycle rate.

Does AD4110-1 only support 125 kS/s at 16 bits? I can't find that referenced in the datasheet. What am I missing?

Removed LMXMprodsupport tag.
[edited by: emassa at 4:56 PM (GMT -5) on 20 Jan 2023]