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Problems with AD5941 Register.

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD5941


I am using AD5941 in my master thesis project and have problems when reading the datasheet, specificly, on page 126, table 173 for CLKEN1 register:

1. The 7th and 6th bits are 0x1 after reset, but the description says 'always leave at 0 and never write to these bits'. What does it mean? Isn't that a conflict?

2. In this register, some bits are reserved and other bits must be written at initialization (for example, the last 2 bits), is there a way to write only some of the bits instead of the whole register?

It will be really appreciated if someone can help me with this, thank you!

UPdated post with category and product number
[edited by: GenevaCooper at 7:00 PM (GMT -5) on 11 Jan 2023]
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