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AD2S1210上电时序控制和复位时要读取故障寄存器并清除故障的问题(Question on AD2S1210 reading the fault register and clearing the fault when powering on)

Category: Datasheet/Specs
Product Number: AD2S1210


1. Is it OK not to read the fault register?That is, low levels are sent for two samples, the first is read and the second is clear.The first one only sends the low sample, but does not send the read address, is that OK? 2. In addition, the fault register can only be read in configuration mode. Can't the fault be read in common mode through serial port?Why does the datasheet say that it must be read in configuration mode? 1.不读取故障寄存器可以吗?只是清除故障寄存器 也就是发两个sample的低电平,第一个是读,第二个是清除。 第一个只发sample低,但不发读的地址,这样可以吗? 2.另外,只能在配置模式读取故障寄存器,普通模式串口方式不也可以读取故障吗?为何datasheet里说必须在配置模式读取?