I am FAE in Japanese distributor.
Our customer evaluates ADAS3023.
ACAP, DCAP and RCAP are used 10uF and 0.1uF as shown in Datasheet.
AVDD,DVDD and REFIN are used 10uF and 0.1uF as shown in Datasheet.
After power on, the voltage of DVDD and AVDD goes from 5V to 4.3V for about 65usec when PD is released.
The power up sequence of ADAS3023 is strictly regulated.
Does the voltage down violate power up sequence ?
Our customer has already confirmed the voltage down was not observed in case of AVDD,DVDD and REFIN are used only 0.1uF like EVAL-ADAS3023EDZ.
To prevent voltage drop, should they increase capacitance of AVDD,DVDD and REFIN form 10uF to 50uF or decrease capacitance of AVDD,DVDD and REFIN from 10uF and 0.1uF to only 0.1uF?
Best regards