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AD7771 MEMMAP_CRC_ERR problem


I use an AD7771 in SPI control mode and read the output data over DOUT0-DOUT3 pins.

ADC data seem to make sense, however, in the header ALERT bit is always set to 1.

The MEMMAP_CRC_ERR bit in GEN_ERR_REG_1 register seems to be set to 1 after I do the initialisation.

Here is my Memory Map after reset on the left side and after initialisation on the right.

The MEMMAP_CRC_ERR disappears if I set bit AD7779_MEMMAP_CRC_TEST_EN in AD7779_REG_GEN_ERR_REG_1_EN register to 0 during the initialisation.

I tried the same with a brand new AD7771FMCZ board to no avail.

What am I doing wrong? Could you please help me?

Thanks in advance,


Hardware in use: EVAL-AD7771FMCZ (Evaluation board for AD7771) and NUCLEO F429IZ

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