we are working ADAS3022EDZ Eval board to communicate SPI through Arduino board. please help me
The ADAS3022 is a complete 16-bit, 1 MSPS, successive approximation–based analog-to-digital data acquisition system, which is manufactured on Analog Devices...
ADAS3022 on Analog.com
we are working ADAS3022EDZ Eval board to communicate SPI through Arduino board. please help me
As previously requested we will need additional information regarding how you've modified the evaluation board to connect your controller, the code you are currently using and any physical result data you can share to help us diagnose you problem.
thanks, Evaluation board we are modified digital pads And jumper pin below marked
As you are using the internal reference have you verified that the REFIN and REF voltages are powered up and fully settled to their specified values?
In fact could you please check that all supply rails are correctly powered? This will ensure we're not fighting a supply issue. I'll go back and look at the code snippet and waveforms you provided earlier to see if I can't come up with additional suggestions.
As you are using the internal reference have you verified that the REFIN and REF voltages are powered up and fully settled to their specified values?
In fact could you please check that all supply rails are correctly powered? This will ensure we're not fighting a supply issue. I'll go back and look at the code snippet and waveforms you provided earlier to see if I can't come up with additional suggestions.
Did you intend to use the device in the four-(4) differential pair configuration or were you expecting to read channels 0 -7 with respect to COM? If it's the latter you'll want to modify your configuration word to set CFG[11] to 1'b1.
Please also share how you are validating the results of the ADC with respect to your applied input voltage. Please note the inputs must be driven and cannot float.
i checked
REFIN = 0 volt in the Evaluation board
This the wave form.
0xF7FE/0x843 0x00/0x847 0x00/0x2407 0x00/0x23E8 0x00/0x1A0F
0xF7FE/0x846 0x00/0x846 0x00/0x2409 0x00/0x23E9 0x00/0x1A14
0xF7FE/0x845 0x00/0x846 0x00/0x2406 0x00/0x23E8 0x00/0x1A1A
0xF7FE/0x846 0x00/0x846 0x00/0x2405 0x00/0x23E8 0x00/0x1A1F
0xF7FE/0x844 0x00/0x843 0x00/0x2402 0x00/0x23E8 0x00/0x1A26
0xF7FE/0x846 0x00/0x847 0x00/0x2407 0x00/0x23E8 0x00/0x1A2A
0xF7FE/0x845 0x00/0x845 0x00/0x2405 0x00/0x23E8 0x00/0x1A2F
0xF7FE/0x845 0x00/0x844 0x00/0x2403 0x00/0x23E8 0x00/0x1A35
0xF7FE/0x845 0x00/0x844 0x00/0x2405 0x00/0x23E8 0x00/0x1A3B
0xF7FE/0x844 0x00/0x844 0x00/0x2402 0x00/0x23E7 0x00/0x1A41
Could please share SPI to All channel working (differential and Single end and Sequence).
That will help us our project.
Evaluation have 5 boards Same issue.
Project very critical please help me.
If REFIN = 0 volts on the evaluation board something is potentially wrong with your setup.
Please try running just the following small portion of your code.
1) Power up the board.
2) PD = 0.
3) Pulse Reset.
This should put the device in the default state. Please remeasure
REFIN, REF1/2, ACAP, DCAP and RCAP. If any of these are not their expected values then check
1) the PD pin is truly cleared.
2) RESET is not asserted
3) If the states of PD and RESET are correct verify that you have power applied to VIO, AVDD, DVDD.
Until we can get the reference to start-up there is no point playing with the interface as we can't be sure the part is correctly biased.
If you see the reference come up after running this short sequence try the following.
Send three conversion sequences consisting of.
1) A conversion pulse
2) A serial transaction of 16 clocks (Just send 0's. Don't try to update the interface)
On the final conversion sequence extend the number of clocks to 32 clocks (send two words) and verify the contents that comes out of SDO = 0x7FFF which is the default. If this works then we can be reasonably confident the setup is working.
Next try repeating the sequence of three short conversions this time inserting your 0xF7FE command. You should read back 0x77FE from the part after the third conversion with the extended readback.
If you are still having trouble after this let me know and I will try to get a setup working in the lab on Monday to show you everything working. The other thing to try (assuming you have a CED controller board) is to revert one board and verify it works yourself just to be sure the hardware is not in someway damaged.
Thanks Reply.....
Could you please share your working hardware result. Its also help us
We are following the above the procedure. we have attached timing end of 0x77FE
So inferring from the data you provided I'm assuming.
I'm assuming however that you still are not getting results that make sense to you.
Are you still seeing results similar to what you reported previously?
I will work on getting these plots for you this morning.