I would like to use AD7927 at VDD=5V, Vdrive=3.3V and input range =0~2*REFin.
Can I use AD7928 at this condition ?
The datasheet rev.E P.3 says below about 0~2*REFin input range.
"RANGE bit set to 0, AVDD/VDRIVE = 4.75 V to 5.25 V"
P.15 says below.
"For 0 V to 2 × REFIN, AVDD = 4.75 V to 5.25 V."
I think that 0~2*VREFin does not need that both AVDD and VDRIVE is the same.
Please let me know your advice.
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[edited by: Lluis at 8:57 AM (GMT -4) on 7 Oct 2020]