Hello, I am Using a single AD7710, to have an accurate Voltmeter and Ammeter.
AIN1 is for Voltmeter and AIN2 for Ammeter.
AD7710 is in 16 bit,Bipolar mode, Gain=1.
Vbios=AGND=0V, AVDD=5 V, VSS=-5 V, REF(+)-REF(-)=2.56 V, DGND=0v, DVdd=5V
1-Should I Connect DGND to AGND?
And 2 AD7710 analog inputs here:
The Problem is Shown In the Following Pic:
2-As shown in above table, in test 3, where I use both AIN2 and AIN1 simultaneously, output data in AD7710 and also commercial Voltmeter shows wrong values!! please Help!
for testing I am using the following Variable Current and Voltage Source: