I have both, the EVAL-AD7294-2SDZ and the EVAL-AD7294EBZ.
I got the EVAL-AD7294-2SDZ because it allows me to interface to the I2C without cutting traces.
However, I don't seem to get the Current Sensors to work properly.
It does however work in the EVAL-AD7294EBZ.
I do exactly the same setup as with the EVAL-AD7294EBZ. I modified the on-board sense resistors to be identical.
I also added a 1uF capacitor to suppress unwanted noise.
What I get is an extremely noisy data stream as long as the sense voltage is within +/-200mV.
I did make sure that all parts of the AD7294-2 are powered on.
Is there anything else that I need to do? Is there a bug in the eval software?
Regards and thanks in advance,