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filter coefficient AD1556

Does IC AD1556 itself contain the filter coefficient ? I dont have the the evaluation board like EVAL-AD1555/AD1556EB and i am using different sigma-delta modulator.

If no, how will we store/load the filter coefficient into IC AD1556 itself ?

  • Hi dp01,

             I cannot see the Eval-ad1555/56 available in the ADI website. I will get back to you in a couple of days to check the evaluation board and check on the filter coefficient.



  • Hi dp01,

           I am still looking of the filter coefficient details. Meanwhile I would like to ask some of the questions that we might be able to help. What type of application the AD1555/56 are you planning to use for? Do you already have filter requirement, meaning the passband range or the stopband? What is your requirement in terms of noise, speed or power?



  • Hi dp01,

          Would I know how many taps are you planning to use? and what is the sampling rate of your application?



  • hello jcolao!

    Sorry for the delayed reply. Actually i am using AD1556 in my project, where i will be given the binary bit-stream from different modulator.

    I am getting modulator output perfectly fine. Now i need to get digital output using the AD1556.

    I am not able to use it in hardware mode, so i started working in software mode. I am using arduio uno for this purpose. When i tried to  read status register, atleast i am getting something now although not sure if correct or not. I am still not able to read the data bits.

    And do you know whether it has preloaded filter coefficients or not. BTW using any configuration should not effect that much i think, isnt it.

    Please help.


  • This question has been assumed as answered either offline via email or with a multi-part answer. This question has now been closed out. If you have an inquiry related to this topic please post a new question in the applicable product forum.

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    EZ Admin