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How to use AD7998 with BeagleBone


I use the AD7998BRUZ-0 with a BeagleBone Black  via I2C and want to read a simple battery-value via V_in_1-Pin.

But I don't know how to configure the control register with shell-commando "i2cset". To get the digital value a have to configure the control register for the next conversion signal but I don't know how.


  • Hi Tigerclaw,

         I am not on the familiar beagle bone  command that you are using but when reading from an AD7998, a write operation must be perform first to set the address pointer to know what register will be read. Please refer to fig. 26 of the ad7998 datasheet. Like for example to read conversion result the pointer address is 0000. Once the pointer address is known, a read command then will be followed. Please refer to Fig 29 or 30. When reading a conversion result, which is a 16 bit data, a two byte read is required, please follow fig. 30 for the details.




  • Hi Tigerclaw,

         I am not on the familiar beagle bone  command that you are using but when reading from an AD7998, a write operation must be perform first to set the address pointer to know what register will be read. Please refer to fig. 26 of the ad7998 datasheet. Like for example to read conversion result the pointer address is 0000. Once the pointer address is known, a read command then will be followed. Please refer to Fig 29 or 30. When reading a conversion result, which is a 16 bit data, a two byte read is required, please follow fig. 30 for the details.




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