Dear Sir or Madam
Currently I am using Eval - AD7626 FMCZ and Eval - SDP - CH1Z.
Eval - AD 7626 EDZ + Eval - CED 1 Z has software produced by Labviwe.
Is there software that controls EVAL-AD7626 FMCZ with Labview?
Thank you,
The AD7626 is a 16-bit, 10 MSPS, charge redistribution
successive approximation register (SAR) based architecture
analog-to-digital converter (ADC). SAR...
AD7626 on
Dear Sir or Madam
Currently I am using Eval - AD7626 FMCZ and Eval - SDP - CH1Z.
Eval - AD 7626 EDZ + Eval - CED 1 Z has software produced by Labviwe.
Is there software that controls EVAL-AD7626 FMCZ with Labview?
Thank you,
Hi ,
You can download the software on the AD7626 evaluation board page. Kindly refer to the link.
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for your replay,and kindness.
However , what I need is "vi" or "vproj" file to run AD7626FMCZ + SDP-H1.
I already use ths AD7626 Evalution software.
Do you have a "vi" or" vproj" file to run AD7626FMCZandSDP-H1.
(I also ask question similar to this on the "SDP" page.)
Hi Tomos,
I will send you the labview project by private mail.
Best Rgds,
Hi Alan, I have the same interest in these boards. Would you make the LabView project available to me too, please?
Hello Alan,
i'm using the eval-AD7768FMCZ board in combination with the SDP-H1 Board to get some data from the ADC to the pc. Now i want to create my own application in LAbview. I saw that the "AD7768 Evaluation Software" was written in LABVIEW and i thogt that you can help me to get startet. Can you provide me some example vis for starting stream and read data?
Maybe it is possible to get the LABVIEW project files of the "AD7768 Evaluatio Software".
Thank you!
Hi Alan,
I also need some AD7626's Labview code,I want to devolope some myself code on th ebase of thiis labview code.could you give me the demo code?
Best Rgds,
Hi Alan,
I am attempting to create LabVIEW code for controlling EVAL-SDP-CH1Z + EVAL-AD7830-4. Would you mind sending me some sample code or pointing me to where other resources are?
Thanks and it's much appreciated!