Read data is 0XF4,0X53,0XFE, how to parse?
[edited by: ljln119 at 3:25 AM (GMT 0) on 14 Jan 2020]
The LTC2439-1 is a 16-channel (8-differential) micropower 16-bit ?S analog-to-digital converter. It operates from 2.7V to 5.5V and includes an integrated...
LTC2439-1 on
Read data is 0XF4,0X53,0XFE, how to parse?
Looking at the timing diagram of Figure 3a, I think there could be something wrong with your communication with the ADC. The first two bits should always be zeros. Can you provide an oscilloscope photo showing CSL, SCK, SDI and SDO? A schematic of your circuit would also be helpful.
Read channel 0 data, single-end input, single chip sends 0XB0, right
As I mentioned previously, this is a relatively old device. There are no code examples available. Newer devices are available with faster conversion times and code examples. The LTC2448 and LTC2449 are 16 channel ADCs that can sample up to 8ksps and both have code examples available.
As can be seen from the table, the conversion time of LTC2488 is 145ms, which is also very slow. My design is used by LTC2488 and LTC6811 at the same time. It would be nice if the communication speed of LTC2488 is the same as that of LTC6811, thank you!
I suggested the LTC2448 not the LTC2488. The LTC2448 can have a conversion time as fast as 1.13ms.
I wrote it wrong, it is 2448. Could you please tell me whether the LTC2449 contains input filter, the difference between 2449 and 2448?Thank you very much!
Both the LTC2448 and LTC2449 contain a decimating FIR filter. The LTC2449 has access to the MUXOUT/ADCIN points so that an external buffer can be used.
Look at datasheet, LTC2449 is half as noisy as LTC2448, right?So I want to choose LTC2449, ok?
Thank you very much for your reply!
How to obtain the BUSY signal of LTC2448?After the signal needs to be isolated, it is sent to the MCU for collection. The BUSY signal is directly connected to the input negative end of the optocoupler and absorbs the current, ok?
Waiting for your reply, thank you!
I do not understand what you are asking me.
wonder if it is possible for the MCU to detect the BUSY signal according to the circuit shown in the picture?
LTC2488 does not have a BUSY pin. TLP291-1 is not recommended for new designs. SDO can be used indirectly to generate BUSY but the data sheet does not indicate that SDO can drive the TLP291-1 diode.
LTC2488 does not have a BUSY pin. TLP291-1 is not recommended for new designs. SDO can be used indirectly to generate BUSY but the data sheet does not indicate that SDO can drive the TLP291-1 diode.
It's LTC2448