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pH and conductivity on a EVAL-AD5940ELCZ (AD5940 chip)

Dear Support,

I'm using with success the CN0428 Water Quality Measurement System with your evaluation software: it's great!

Now, for the project I'm developing I will prefer the AD5940 component to be used with a companion MCU. I've downloaded from your ftp server the examples pack related to the EVAL-AD5940ELCZ, they are very easy to understand and to implement, but I have not been able to find any example regarding the measurement of pH and conductivity, although the BNC suitable for this is present on the board.

Now, since the porting of your examples from ADuCM355 (CN0428) to the EVAL-AD5940ELCZ is not so fast, I wonder if you can provide me with the example code to carry out these measurements on the EVAL-AD5940ELCZ board in an easy and fast way to validate the product.


Stefano T

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[edited by: Stefano T at 8:38 AM (GMT 0) on 28 Nov 2019]
  • Hi Stefano,

    Thank you for you query. Our latest examples for the AD5940 are located on GitHub.Unfortunately we do not currently have example projects available specifically for pH and conductivity measurements. However we do have a number of application level and block level examples that can be used and modified to carry out pH and conductivity measurements. In the mean time ADI will work to develop custom examples and add them to the SDK.

  • Hi MLambe,

    I have arrived at the same point as Stefano: I'm building a project that will measure pH, EC, and DO on a single card.  By the time I adapted the CN0428 circuitry to my card and connected it with isolators for I2C and all the other control signals to my control MCU, the cost and complexity went through the roof - and the knowledge required to get everything working well included knowing two different MCUs on an intimate basis!  While I'm sure the system would work well, the complexity and cost are too much for my target market.  Also the textual interface to the sensors isn't really needed in this context.

    It looks like the 5940 eval board has the identical sensor interfaces as CN0428, so this should be a software issue only.  I would also vote for any assistance AD can provide in moving the pH and EC code from CN0428 to the AD5940.

  • Hi, 

    Thank you for your feedback. I think Micheal mentioned that they would consider it in the future software update but I am not sure how long the development may take or when are they planning to do this. We will follow up the team regarding this matter and we will let you know if we have an update. 



  • Hi, 

    Thank you for your feedback. I think Micheal mentioned that they would consider it in the future software update but I am not sure how long the development may take or when are they planning to do this. We will follow up the team regarding this matter and we will let you know if we have an update. 


